The ring

We got our rings! We wanted to have matching rings, but seeing that I am such a manly-man and Kathleen is such a delicate flower, we were worried that no single design would work for both of us. Not to mention our differences in taste. Kathleen leans towards a more subtle, classy and understated look, in keeping with her own demeanor and personality. I, on the other hand, lean more towards the loud, in-your-face, look-at-me look, in keeping with my demeanor and personality. I'm also a little more fond of "sparkly" than she is!

I've also never bought quite so much jewelry at once. It was a little hard to get my head around how much we were going to spend on rings. Her's, I understood, after all I have bought her a few nice pieces, but I have never bought myself anything like this. I was ready to get myself a "tungsten" steel (from the Tungstn region of Europe, I assume) ring with a cool carbon fiber inlay. Classy, right? I found one on sale at, and then I was going to spring for an ALL carbon fiber one for her (because I want her to have nice things!). THANKFULLY, I decided to run this past Kathleen before "surprising" her with them ( doesn't do returns for some reason). And as usual, she had a much better idea.

So we looked at a few rings. The saleslady was really annoying me at the first place we went to. We told her we did not want diamonds on our rings, so the first one she showed us had diamonds on it. Then we said we wanted matching rings, and she started showing us different rings for each of us. I did like one of the rings she showed us and we asked the price. She spent about 10 minutes with a calculator and paper and worked out some numbers (like when you buy a car). Then she showed us "how much you'll save today" buying these rings. I wanted to think about it and so we left.

I just want to say, Kathleen was unbelievable during all this. She was patient, helpful and supportive for the whole thing (she is a much more experienced shopper than I) and was just really great about it.

Anyway, we left and went to another place. The store was closing in 15 minutes but the guy was fine and asked us to look around and let him know if we needed anything. Then he left us alone! We started looking and right away I liked this ring. But I never thought Kathleen would, since it is much more me than her. But she looked at it and over the next 20 minutes, it grew on her and she decided that she really did like it and we should get them. So we did.

So we both have the same ring. I like it because on her it says "Hey! I'm married! Taken! Back off!" and on me it says "Hey! Look! Shiny!". I think she likes it because on her it says "I married a big flashy goofball, but he's MY big flashy goofball!" and on me it says "Hey! I'm married! Taken! Back off!".

I do very much love Kathleen, and I am glad our rings match. I like that I can look at my ring and know she could be looking at hers at the same time. And I like to think that when I'm thinking of her, she somehow knows it, and suddenly feels loved and warm inside, even if she's not sure why.


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